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every now and then i like visiting allchan or wherever and check out imageboards like this. i like thinking about the people that know about chans like this. i wonder if i've run into anyone that would know what classichan was if i brought it up.

how's it going? if you're the kind of person to check this page, you're the kind of person i want to hear about <3
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Congrats on the midterms! The way they talk about them makes them seem much harder than they really are.
SEL is really worth watching, it’s a completely unique show unlike anything else. I myself watched it alone because I thought it was going to be hard to understand.


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welcome to hell desu, i hope you enjoy your stay

i usually go by magi btw


can't possibly be that bad. this is a nice place. nice to meet you, magi!

yeah, studying was the issue but after that it's pretty easy. i'm gonna watch SEL soon for sure, i should have some free time next week


I only ever visit altchans, whenever I actually feel like posting, or having some kind of conversation online. I really enjoy chans like these, which forbid or somewhat restrict passionate adult gaming videos and other shit, which ruins most places.

>but it is absolutely on the verge of death
I hope it doesn't die any time soon. This is one of the comfiest chans I've ever found.

>Your forwarded ip address has been logged and will be sent to the respective authorities in case another violation is to occur

Good error message webmaster <3


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Hope the dude that runs that page adds more chans in the coming months.
Also welcome to classichan!

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Friendly hello from https://boards.3chan.co/b/
3chan runs on the same software 4chan is based on

Anyway I can tell the admin on this IB is new to running IBs as there having issues getting posters actual IPs and also don't know how to post with a capcode.
I do wish you the best of luck admin and you will encounter a lot of those illegal content spambots.
They are a pain in the ass I had to really up the power of my filter system to block there spam.

If you need any advice or have any questions feel free to respond.
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2009-2013 was when i had the best time there. entirely different place, far less hateful and racist. fewer angry people for sure. i remember things getting really bad over like 6-8 months after the sandy hook shooting, which brought a ton of political shit to every board (i spent most of my time on /k/, which was one of the first to go to shit). the real change is due to the dinosaurs at the fbi and cia figuring out that the internet wasn't a fad in 2011-2012 due to the arab spring.

it wasn't just 4chan that went to shit then, that's when the entire internet started to turn into the mess it is now. the big-I Internet is gone, replaced with little-i internets designed to keep communities insular and polarized from one another. not that long ago, the only barrier was in the language of the posters, now it's more complicated than that. we need to figure out how to make an imageboard so esoteric and so niche that un-virgins and other normal people are filtered out, along with some kinda protection against bots because that's why everything sucks so much. dead internet theory is seeming more and more correct as time goes on ;_;


In a world where politics are expected on all sites, I created a little place too small for anyone not interested in the hateful and blind nature of other sites. They already have 4chan,8chan and all the other altchans, so there is no way they would be interested in some altchan with barely 10,000 unique users and only a couple posts per month.


There are at least a few other imageboards that don't allow politics. I know wapchan, 2kind.moe, and kissu.moe are all generally devoid of political discussion


Same applies to the no nsfw rule and the focus on a quality community


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Hey i've been to that place before, breddy gud.

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Post cool things. Things you think are cool unironically
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Shadow can be cool sometimes. But the comics turn him into the vegeta jobber of the series



Domina mea beatissima

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Unironically best character


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Reply you damn cowards


And dad

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haiiiiiii website guys thank for making this very cool awesome site i love it so much and i even love you guys :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD THANK YOU GUYS!


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glad u like it here desu


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Post your favorite underrated artists and we'll rate them
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This is a test


Fun fact: I actually found this from a schizopost in soyjak.party


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Have you heard of weezer? Their first album was too clean for my tastes but when pinkerton came out they really came in on their own. Artistically not commercialy. The whole album has a raw but clean sound, and a new sheen of incel lyrics that really gives the song a big boost. Weezer has been compared to wheatus but i think their logo has a more iconic look. In 2009 weezer released this: Raditude, their most hated album. I think their undisputed good because it's bad song is Cant stop partying. A song so bad, most people probably dont listen to the lyrics but they should, cause its not just about addictiom but a personal statement about kurt cobain himself. Hey fantano!



you remind me of my friend, made me listen to pinkerton some years ago after telling me it was good


I liked Pinkerton and some other songs. I am too much of a zoom zoom to know anything else though.


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Time to roll out…


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i LOVE 80s toy cartoons


Question: is there more than meets the eye?


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Oh you. There's FAR more

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ITT post minimalist rooms


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This one's cheating cause the person just moved in but whatever


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What do you guys think of the ricky gervais show and this round headed bufoon


Karl Pilkington is actually smart.

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>very ambitious once I got of jail
>meet girl very fit Puerto Rican hot big tits nice ass
>Be dating move in together
>Lose all my ambition we both gain weight
>Both gain 100+LBS in 5 years
>slowly getting back into shape cutting out soda, going on walks and am going to start body weight fitness and eating better
>GF will not work out and refuses to do anything active, not feeling attracted to her anymore
>Visualize E-girls while fucking her

>The worst part about this is we went to a seafood place tonight I paid as a birthday gift and all she wanted to talk about is fucking politics FUCKING POLITICS HOLY FUCK!!!!

>I want my old hot latina GF back this is getting way out of hand….. she even shows me pics of hot ass girls she knows im into…. wtf
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pretty much what this chad says
you can still try to change her but it might not work



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I ain't clinking your forced link double nigger.


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since youtube links has a backdoor to ones ip address, we now have access to it. picrel


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Formerly chuck’s


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>no Asuka
Taiga is the next best I suppose



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>be me
>have gf
>be you
>probably don't have gf
i betcha feel like a silly little guy right now


>misunderstanding of greentext
>normie behavior
>obvious bait
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>tries to criticize normie bait
>has a stroke midway


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>Thread derailed so hard it got a za warudo effect

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>be me
>be at work
>get called into boss's office
>"Hey, we're going to have to let you go."
>I'm about to say "Okay, thank you for telling me"
>When he leans in real close
>"You know too much"
>Suddenly the door bursts open
>It's the police
>"We've been tracking you for weeks. You're under arrest for espionage."
>I'm escorted out in handcuffs
>As I'm being led away I see my boss smirking
>I know I'm going to prison
>But I also know that I did the right thing
>And that someday I'll be free


007, how did you post this


He used his one phone call to green text


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Satellite buttplug

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This place is dead

(Pic not mine)


It isn’t. There are a lot of lurkers but no one is posting.

Every thread gets a couple replies


(Also I’m thinking of getting 4chan ads)



That would be great for the site & 4chan. Im tired of seeing brazzer milf ads on 4chab


Whats 4chab?


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What's your preferred way of creative expression?
I like to draw and play guitar.
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Not a half bad script, you had me interested in what you were saying. Nice intro too


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im stealing your script lol



Yeah, i was trying to explain why some shit always happens

I'd use an example later where Soundsmith says "The Pan has a crit rate proportional to how funny it would be" and show people how the "funny" is actually built into the game as a viable option


Its fine, i can't really be bothered to make the video. But if you need help with the script, tag me.



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I wanted to write something in one post on /pol/ of 4chan.
Post mocked meat eaters and wanted to respond to comments, but idiotic system Thought I was spamming, but I wasn't.

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Peanuts Thread


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Just kick the fucking football

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Hi, polite Tor user here, nice site! I appreciate that I can post without using javascript, too :). If you ever encounter spam issues, would you consider techniques like rate-limits (and while flooding is occurring, CAPTCHAs) rather than blocking people like myself? IP address has been a severely flawed means of blocking for a while now.

Anyway, now a question for anon: If 4chan shut down today, where do you think everyone would go?


> IP address has been a severely flawed means of blocking for a while now.
Of blocking dedicated attackers willing to spend more than a few dollars on residential proxies*. I meant that it only affects ordinary users who don't wanna buy/access proxies.


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ah welcome

i am a liek u too! :D

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We need more ads
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we don't need more ads, we need more slags. there's no women on this site and that's a problem.


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the term originates from waste material that is produced during welding or other metalwork


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>the term originates from waste material that is produced during welding or other metalwork


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lol norf

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Wage slavery is real slavery.
Put your energy to defeating evil.

Make the world into the Internet. Do graffiti, spread posters and stickers.


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that's a terrible idea, i'd rather live like ted


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I choose to have society not be lost to the clutches of evil.


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Very based, anon. Now show us the envelopes


That looks very comfy.
I want to make a cabin deep in the woods and live there when I'm old.

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is the real 3chan this one is fake

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oh yknow just chillin on my openbsd gaming machine


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>just chillin on my openbsd gaming machine


saint Terry will always live on in our hearts. may you receive his blessing and never be grabbed by the glowies

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this site looks cool

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