>>1257 1- A driver's license, unless you live in Fuckall, Nebraska, is not necessary for a fulfilling life.
2- Make a roadplan for yourself. Not one like your parents do when they say you're going to be famous, but just make something you can be comfy with. If you like technology, then there's a metric fuckton of full or part-time jobs with excellent paychecks.
3- Once you've planned out your future, try to make it happen with the least amount of effort as possible, while not staying in the red. You don't have to pour your heart and soul into your assignments, you just need to understand them enough that you can copy them in the future. The rest can be found searching online.
4- You can do it. You can improve. Establish a daily feel good activity. Go to the park and pet dogs. Pray, if you have a religion. Take a walk every day. Just always be doing something every day, that you can say "Yeah. That was a good thing I just did." The rest comes naturally
Never Give Up!