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File: 1677324764353.png (1.21 MB, 680x2400, 40C93E87-CCEC-4E19-A8CE-B2….png)


Anyone been through something similar? I’m at stage 4 now. Is it terminal?


File: 1677334238287.jpg (153.75 KB, 1400x1050, GHI_HowlsMovingCastle_Sele….jpg)

Stage 0.5, I didn't even know that Japanese cartoons were called anime until high school. I just thought they were cool cartoons and treated them the same as any other cool show/movie…

I've always had a soft spot for Howl's Moving Castle though because I watched it in cinemas when it first came out in Australia.


It’s terminal. I lost interest as I got older. All it does is remind me of the friendships and romances I’ve never had and will never have now I’m in my 30s. Plus, I get back from work I’m too exhausted to do anything other than eat and sleep and don’t have the energy to watch or read or play anything.


I am 1.


I’m at stage 5 where I draw anime girls myself and host my very own obscure anime imageboard


Magi is that you?


I’m a 5. I’m burnt out on anime/manga. I’ve just slowly lost interest in everything I enjoy. I work all day and come home to websurf and that’s it. I don’t even play video games anymore or read books. I just feel drained after work. I know I’ll enjoy watching something but I’m to tired to bother. Even food feels tasteless now.

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