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running my own test


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happy 2 year anniversary ig

it feels weird knowing that back when I made this site back in middle school and in a couple weeks i’ll be old enough to (legally) drink. either way tell me what you want changed/added and i’ll probably implement it, as a a treat.


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> i made this site back in middle school
> 2 year anniversary


time flies man


Explains a lot


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>based and true love-pi -ACK!


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they couldn’t even properly design a honeypot lmfao


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who’s excited for the next pandemic? its not far now


none of it was real


>working from home is bad because… it just is, OK?


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>nothingburger of the week


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is duolingo really that bad?


it's fine if you just want to learn the basics tbh


its good when paired with other resources


Stop wasting your time with any "resources" that are made specifically for "Japanese learning". You literally only need to skim a grammar guide, learn the basic vocabulary (optional), and go straight to reading.
Don't bother doing Anki or studying kanji or doing any gay shit like that. It's just a waste of time. The only resources you need are manga/VNs/anime/whatever and a dictionary like Yomichan.


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Addicted to shitty online hatechan i wont name but i dont know what to do i cant go 1 day without going on there and posting the most hatefull shit anyone could ever come up with and laugh at gore. I dont know how to stop i know this sounds retarded as shit but its genuinely taking my mental health so hard and ive been generally feeling worse and worse im also paranoid now since my country has raided people who spread like hate online before.Now i cant even talk to people normally as the „slang“ has completely ruined my ability to communicate with normal people.
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Have you tried playing mimecraft while listening to podcast about cars or food or whatever you're into




I ain't sure about that since there are other stupid sites


KEK ngmi


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>Name it or didn't happen


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>0 tinder likes all week
>5 IRL girls trying to hang out


Don't fucking question it retard. Just hang out with the girls.


Dating apps are absolutely horrendous for males. Stop using them.


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looks like I finally got around to getting the site back up, so I think a short explanation is in order; my ISP suddenly decided to change my ip last month (around mid april i think) and i was far too busy to even check the site, let alone log in to cloudflare.

i know this is like our 7th long blackout in our less than 2 years of existence but I’ll try my best to make sure it doesn’t happen again


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magi and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


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Your choice, anon
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Delete North Korea so that the masquerade breaks and i can get my own pet SCP


delete Bangladesh then


Depends if you mean "delete" as in "it never existed" or else "delete" as in "it stops existing now"

If the former I'm deleting Argentina

If the latter I'm deleting France


Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.




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im new here. y’all seem like cool people and i wanna make new friends so add my discord or something idk (@konatacell2018)


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why are men becoming so psychologically infantile?


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“The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it may eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine.“


>why are men becoming so psychologically infantile?
Improper upbringing and education, lack of good father figure, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.


honestly who cares about your pathetic individuality? I value having a phone and internet more than you being unique and special.


I don't care about your phone and innerwebs. I care about my individuality.


Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.


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why are so many young men today giving up?
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many such cases


i love her body


The future is very grim.

The elites will end your 401K, ban travel, ban farms, end your marriage, turn off the Internet, take your car, close schools, close your business, and shut churches.

Smoking used to be legal, smoking was then outlawed, and now you will be jailed for saying smoking should be legalized.


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This. So much this, anon.


Americans love tyranny because Americans have never read a history book.


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