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This is a test


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We're all tests


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A test has a clear purpose. It’s a means to an end.

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running my own test


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>based and true love-pi -ACK!


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they couldn’t even properly design a honeypot lmfao

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who’s excited for the next pandemic? its not far now


none of it was real


>working from home is bad because… it just is, OK?


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>nothingburger of the week

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is duolingo really that bad?


it's fine if you just want to learn the basics tbh


its good when paired with other resources


Stop wasting your time with any "resources" that are made specifically for "Japanese learning". You literally only need to skim a grammar guide, learn the basic vocabulary (optional), and go straight to reading.
Don't bother doing Anki or studying kanji or doing any gay shit like that. It's just a waste of time. The only resources you need are manga/VNs/anime/whatever and a dictionary like Yomichan.

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>0 tinder likes all week
>5 IRL girls trying to hang out


Don't fucking question it retard. Just hang out with the girls.


Dating apps are absolutely horrendous for males. Stop using them.

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Your choice, anon
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Delete North Korea so that the masquerade breaks and i can get my own pet SCP


delete Bangladesh then


Depends if you mean "delete" as in "it never existed" or else "delete" as in "it stops existing now"

If the former I'm deleting Argentina

If the latter I'm deleting France


Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.



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im new here. y’all seem like cool people and i wanna make new friends so add my discord or something idk (@konatacell2018)


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why are men becoming so psychologically infantile?


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“The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it may eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine.“


>why are men becoming so psychologically infantile?
Improper upbringing and education, lack of good father figure, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.


honestly who cares about your pathetic individuality? I value having a phone and internet more than you being unique and special.


I don't care about your phone and innerwebs. I care about my individuality.


Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

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why are so many young men today giving up?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


many such cases


i love her body


The future is very grim.

The elites will end your 401K, ban travel, ban farms, end your marriage, turn off the Internet, take your car, close schools, close your business, and shut churches.

Smoking used to be legal, smoking was then outlawed, and now you will be jailed for saying smoking should be legalized.


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This. So much this, anon.


Americans love tyranny because Americans have never read a history book.

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i like shoegaze and indigenous woman

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poo in loo


i was wondering where the bathroom was. now i know i'm supposed to use the street.

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I love women who dont wear a bra.


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Moscow, a capital city with 11 million inhabitants that only New York can compete with in terms of skyline and population. But Moscow is completely clean, with no graffti or rubbish on the ground

I thought Russia is a third world shit about to collapse at any moment? Compare that city with Kiev, London, Paris or New York





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>Moscow, a capital city with 11 million inhabitants that only New York can compete with in terms of skyline and population. But Moscow is completely clean, with no graffti or rubbish on the ground

>I thought Russia is a third world shit about to collapse at any moment? Compare that city with Kiev, London, Paris or New York

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>tfw your disdain for women has rendered you virtually impotent
>tfw can only pleasure myself to abstract foreign images of females because the sight or sound of a "real" woman brings me distress and anger


waifuists are a pathetic breed indeed


go have sеx retard

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>be me, skinny cuz scared of calories
>start drinking milk before bed to get strong bones
>drink a bowl of nothing except milk before bed
>life is good
pic related


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i drink probably two gallons of milk a week. i love milk so much it's unreal. it's on my bucket list to try breastmilk before i die and i am unapologetic about it.



Don't you remember the taste when you were a baby! LMAO


haha i definitely don't, which is why i need to try it again! if babies love it so much then it's gotta be good right?


who actually falls for this bullshit?


based. drinking milk right now.

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how do i get a lainpilled laincore gf


did you check their natural habitat (the psych ward)


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just dissociate and manifest her in your weed fueled trance

i am now floating in the reiquarium dont @ me

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Any other /b/ros on a terrorist watchlist? What for?


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nice try feds


For fucking your whore of mother

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Looking for places to shill new splinter because we need dat PPH. Seeing if anyone actually pays attention to this site.
Visit swedishwin.com
That's all

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Who’s the biggest loser you know in your life?
The biggest chad?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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>biggest loser
myself, about 4 years ago. barely graduated, no job, no girlfriend, no friends, suicidal, total stoner. wasted my days high in my room to stop myself from ending it.
>biggest chad
myself, now. been working out regularly for almost two years, have a respectable and professional job, have my own place, a healthy social circle, been clean from all drugs since August. my late grandfather (rip) was also a total gigachad and my biggest inspiration. christian man who did lots of volunteer work and was a firefighter/paramedic for decades. miss that guy.

basically WAGMI bros keep working at it.



Pretty neat how you changed. I will change too.


i hope so. i am cheering for you friend!


20 years with green haired anime girl website
10 years with Australian bird farming website
3 years with bald man with glasses website


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Now that magis gone I can post all of the politics I want


there are no jaks how do you expect me to understand this

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